VVV MOST > PRODUCTS & SERVICES > Conveyor Belts > PVC & PU Conveyor Belts
PVC & PU Conveyor Belts
VVV MOST spol. s r.o. supplies PVC and PU belts in different thicknesses and strengths. We offer a choice of many types of cover layers and color design.
As part of the service, we are splicing and repairing belts. Several dozens of types of cover layers for different applications and depending on the type of material transported can be selected from the samples. PVC and PU conveyor belts are used in all industries, primarily for the transport of food products, bulk materials and packaged products.

PVC and PU conveyor belts are characterized by their low weight, excellent strength and high wear resistance.

PVC and PU Conveyor Belts

Ing. Josef Vala
Tel.: +420 777 748 204
E-mail: vala@vvvmost.cz
Sale of PVC and PU Conveyor Belts